Animals at the Hill

This wiggly turtle was making a lot of noise!

Hillside High School is known for many things, but animals may be in the least of your thoughts. Class pets are good for many reasons such as teaching students responsibility, caring skills, and awareness.

We have a little variety among the animals in one of the science classes on the second-floor hallway. 

Mr. Staats, Earth and Environmental science teacher, has a plethora of animals in his classroom. He has two Eastern Box Turtles named Hedwig and Chance, 2 Green amazon Boas named Fred and Chad, and a Crayfish. “I do not have anyone to help take care of the animals, they can be too nippy,” says Staats. 

”One turtle is a boy, and the snakes are boys. The crayfish was produced asexually so Mr. Staats assumes it’s female. He just got a new pet, a tarantula. His name is Lucas.


Mr.Staats holding the two turtles

The objective of these pets is to help the students understand the way of taking care of the animals. Also getting them to have a responsibility, and get them aware of the other living things on the planet.